Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
14th International Conference on Geriatrics Nursing, Gerontology and Aging, will be organized around the theme “Fore-fronting Healthcare to achieve Wellness”
GERIATRICS NURSING 2022 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in GERIATRICS NURSING 2022
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Changes associated with normal aging increase nourishment risk for older adults. Nutrition has a major role in safeguarding health and slowing disease progression. Paradigms that promote the nutritional elements of healthy aging are needed to increase the age of persistent degenerative disease onset and to maintain healthy, functional lives for as long as possible. At this time, there is an enormous disconnecting between nutrition and how it is implemented into healthcare.
- Track 1-1Diet enrichment
- Track 1-2Nutrition intervention in specific diseases
- Track 1-3Obesity in older people
- Track 2-1Increase in the dependency Ratio
- Track 2-2Economic and social impacts of housing
- Track 2-3Managing a healthy ageing workforce
- Track 3-1Emotional abuse
- Track 3-2Financial abuse
- Track 3-3Domestic violence
- Track 4-1Molecular genetics of ageing
- Track 4-2Ageing and DNA-repair capability
- Track 4-3Somatic mutations and ageing
- Track 5-1Movement therapy
- Track 5-2Electrotherapy
- Track 5-3Postural exercises
- Track 6-1Geriatric surgery
- Track 6-2Geriatric otolaryngology
- Track 6-3Geriatric gastroenterology
- Track 7-1Major challenges in telenursing
- Track 7-2Remote patient monitoring
- Track 7-3Ageing statistics
- Track 8-1Colorectal cancer
- Track 8-2Hematological cancers
- Track 8-3Head and neck cancers
- Track 9-1Genetics of osteoporosis
- Track 9-2Epidemiology of osteoporosis
- Track 9-3Nutrition and osteoporosis
- Track 10-1Emergency and critical care nursing
- Track 10-2Community health nursing
- Track 10-3Nursing home healthcare
- Track 11-1Tissue engineering
- Track 11-2Stem cell apoptosis and signal transduction
- Track 11-3Stem cell technologies
- Track 12-1Nursing care in dementia
- Track 12-2Alzheimer disease and cellular mechanisms
- Track 12-3Dementia care and awareness
- Track 12-4
- Track 13-1Elderly home care services
- Track 13-2Geriatric clothing
- Track 14-1End of life care
- Track 14-2Elderly home care
- Track 14-3Ageing and death biology