Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
10th International Conference on Geriatrics Nursing and Palliative Care, will be organized around the theme “Pre and Post Life-Lets Make it Happier for them and their Family”
Geriatrics Nursing 2018 is comprised of 13 tracks and 62 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Geriatrics Nursing 2018.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Palliative care and hospice care quite oftentimes used exchangeably, though not entirely correct. Hospice care in certain parts of the world, needs to meet up with the specific eligibility criteria and fetch up a qualified service provider in the concerned field. In order to discuss all these, Top Conferences of Geriatrics like The Geriatrics Nursing Conference provides a stage to exchange and increase information and ideals.
- Track 1-1Primary and Homecare
- Track 1-2Secondary and Tertiary Care
- Track 1-3Palliative Medicine Care
- Track 1-4Inpatient and Outpatient Clinics
- Track 1-5Euthanasia Care and Types
When it comes to medications for pain management and associated palliative drugs, there are two broad categories: opioids, which lacklustre pain systemically, end to end of the body; and adjuvant analgesics, or helper medications that can drogue specific types of pain, often by fighting inflammation. The Top Geriatric Conference is a way to re-discover these approaches as well as to bring forth new changes in the feild of Geriatrics and Palliative Care in this Geriatric Conference 2019
- Track 2-1Analgesics
- Track 2-2Antiemetics
- Track 2-3Laxatives and Aperients
- Track 2-4Adjuvant Medications
As an epochal proportion of patients retrieving palliative care, suffer from states of anxiety, depression, delirium, or other mental symptoms, psychiatry and palliative care already join force closely in the palliative care for medical circumstances. This is where, the Geriatrics 2018 comes to the rescue with its various approaches in Geriatric Nursing making the CPD accredited event of Geriatrics and Palliative Care to be the top Geriatric Conference ever.
- Track 3-1Combating Suicidal Think-Abouts
- Track 3-2Combating Mood Disorders
- Track 3-3Combating Mental Outcomes of Trauma
- Track 3-4Comabting Neuropsychiatric Consequences of Trauma and Head Injury
Palliative care is a rapidly growing subspecialty of medicine entailing expert and active assessment, evaluation and treatment of the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of patients and families with serious illnesses. It provides an added layer of support to the patient's regular medical care. As cancer is detected earlier and its treatments improve, palliative care and nursing is increasingly playing a vital role in the oncology population. This is the cause why Geriatric Conference forms a basement in the special areas making it the top Geriatric Conference.
- Track 4-1Life Prolonging Care
- Track 4-2Post-Life Care
- Track 4-3Disease Directed Care
- Track 4-4Bereavement Techniques
The use of palliative and hospice care to infants in the neonatal emergency unit has been clear for more than 30 years. This article tends to the history, current contemplations, and foreseen future requirements for palliative and hospice mind in the NICU, and depends on late writing survey. Neonatologists have since quite a while ago dealt with the total of numerous infants' short lives, given the moderately high death rates related with rashness and birth deserts, however their capacity or ability to completely address of the continuum of interdisciplinary palliative, end of life, and mourning consideration has changed generally. Thus, it becomes the need of the hour for Geriatric Conference to evolve and as a result of keeping hand in hand, it makes the Conference on Geriatric Nursing and Palliative Care to be the top Geriatric Conference ever.
- Track 5-1Neonatal-Perinatal Palliative Care
- Track 5-2Family-Centered Care
- Track 5-3Communication and Pain Assessment
It mainly includes the ways and methods in order to lessen out the pain in the patients. Thus Geriatric Conference is believed to be the platform for bringing together experts in these fields of Geriatrics Nursing and Palliative Care, in order to bring forth, the changes that might be required to change the painfulness of the life as well as the conditions of the patients who are basically suffering from such diseases thus making it to be the top Conference on Geriatrics ever.
- Track 6-1Symptom Management
- Track 6-2Symptom Assessment
- Track 6-3Clinical Decision Making
- Track 6-4Pain Management & Care
- Track 6-5Pharmacological Management
- Track 6-6Non-Pharmacological Management
- Track 6-7Bedsores Management
The components proposed to impact geriatrics and gerontology fall into two fundamental classifications, programmed and damage related. Programmed factors take after a certain biological timetable, probably one that may be a continuation of the one that manages childhood growth and advancement. This control would rely upon changes in gene regulation and expression that influence the frameworks in charge of upkeep, repair and defensive responses. Damage related components incorporate inner and natural ambushes to living beings that prompt aggregate damage at different levels. This is where, there is an urgent call for the geriatric Conferences and palliative care Conferences, in order to understand the scenerio, in order to make the world a peaceful place to live in.
- Track 7-1Entropic Impact on Life Units
- Track 7-2Neuronal Plasticity Effects
- Track 7-3Effect of HPK 1 Enzyme
- Track 7-4Emergence Framework of Carcinogenesis
- Track 7-5DAF-16 Mediated Lysosomal Function
- Track 7-6Action: Telomerase Enzyme
Some of the most commonly dealt by disorders and impairments related to geriatric and gerontology that are often catching the attention of the researchers as well as of the scientific world are as follows:
Parkinson disease
Alzhiemer’s Syndrome
Cognitive Impairments
Thus, Geriatrics 2018 is really hoped to be one of the best and top geriatrics conferences, in the history ever, since it would provide, all the relative approaches that are sincerely necessary to understand the practices, thereby balancing it not only as geriatrics nursing conference, but also as the top Palliative care Conferences, till date.
- Track 8-1Parkinson’s Disease
- Track 8-2Alzheimer’s Syndrome
- Track 8-3Cognitive Impairments
- Track 8-4Arthrosclerosis
Gerontology and brain impairments or Dementia walk hand in hand. As a person reaches the Geriatric or Gerontologic part of his/her life, brain and associated neurological impairments becomes a quite natural process. Some of which are being listed below:
Vascular Dementia
Lewy Body Dementia
Frontotemporal Dementia
Normal Pressure Hydocephalus
Thus Palliative Care Conferences of this calibre, bringing together geriatrics 2018, as a part of it proves to be very beneficial, and thereby making it to be one of the top geriatric nursing conferences till date.
- Track 9-1Vascular Dementia
- Track 9-2Lewy Body Dementia
- Track 9-3Frontotemporal Dementia
- Track 9-4Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
As a person enters the gerontologic range of his/her age, it is obvious that he/she will need certain care techniques in order to cope up with the on-going changes and diseased condition of the body.
It includes some of the professional personalities just as below:
Normal nursing fellows
General Physicians
Pharmacological experts
And Palliative Care Conferences, being amulgumed with geriatrics nursing, making it one of the top Geriatric Nursing Conferences ever.
- Track 10-1Geriatric Care Specialists
- Track 10-2 Criminology Researchers and Practitioners
- Track 10-3Dentistry Researchers and Practitioners
- Track 10-4Aging and Associated Care
- Track 10-5Assisted and Adult Day Care
- Track 10-6Long Term and Residential Care
Though there are a lot of medications available, since at the gerontological phase, a person suffers from various different types of problems, some of the noteworthy medications lies in the living processes of the concerned individuals. Some of which are listed below:
- Track 11-1ADLs (Activities of Daily Livings)
- Track 11-2IADLs (Instrumentational Activities of Daily Livings)
Though there are a lot of management that is required for the elderly , for their care processes. Some of the most eminent sorts of management for the field of geriatrics and Gerontology are as follows:
Nutritional Services Management
Socialisation Programs Management
Financial Planning Management
- Track 12-1Nutritional Services Management
- Track 12-2Housing Management
- Track 12-3Home Care Services Management
- Track 12-4Socialization Programs Management
- Track 12-5Financial Planning Management
Many sorts and types of abuse of the elderly are got to be noticed which may also prove as a bi-track affecting the aging process. these are some of the factors which this Geriatrics 2019 would comfortably deal with from every spheres , from the pros to the cons , in order to deal with the burning issue , seriously affecting these grey hairs in leading a healthy , peaceful and a happier life.
- Track 13-1Physical Abuse
- Track 13-2Psychological and Emotional Abuse
- Track 13-3Financial Abuse
- Track 13-4Neglect Related Abuse
- Track 13-5Sexual Abuse in Men and Women
- Track 13-6Abdonment Related Abuse
- Track 13-7Self-Neglect Related Abuse
- Track 13-8Institutional Abuse